What's New on Radio Papy Jeff : Burnt Out Wreck

Radio Papy Jeff likes to present these favorites.
Today, I propose a band that I like very much.
It's BURNT OUT WRECK who present us their first album "Swallow" (Release Date : 2017).

Namely that "Burnt Out Wreck" is the new band of the former drummer of "Heavy Pettin", I named Gary Moat, a nice reference all the same.

This Old School Hard Rock Album, with its Seventies sounds, which is not without reminding AC/DC, as well by the voice, as the musical sound, but it's not to displease me, far from it.

A catchy album, with sounds, certainly far from being original but so enjoyable. And that's what you expect from an album, tracks that follow on from each other perfectly, and pleasant to listen to.

In brief, 3...2...1...get ready, fasten your seatbelts, BURNT OUT WRECK is arriving on Radio Papy Jeff \m/

A group to be discovered without delay.

Burnt Out Wreck Mmi Music Management ltd Radio Papy Jeff
#BurntOutWreck #MMIMusicManagement #RadioPapyJeff #WebradioMetal #Swallow
