RAVN - "They Came with Force"


To Discover:



Ravn, the French Pagan/Stoner Metal maestros, have once again emerged from the depths of the underground with their latest offering, "They Came with Force". And forceful it is indeed! This EP, recorded at the mythical "Studio L'imparfait" and expertly mixed/mastered by the wizards at "Studio ACM", is a raw, unapologetic sonic assault that'll have you headbanging until your neck begs for mercy.
Formed in 2020 amidst the misty moors of Alençon, France, Ravn consists of the triumvirate of Natas shredding on guitars, Zyng wielding the bass and unleashing vocals that could summon ancient spirits, and John mercilessly pounding the drums like a Norse god of thunder. Together, they've concocted a potent brew of riffage and groove that's as intoxicating as it is heavy.
Following their debut EP "At the Beginning", which laid the foundation for their sonic conquest, Ravn embarked on a crusade across the land of baguettes and Bordeaux, spreading their message of pagan fervor and stoner-induced revelry to all who dared listen. And now, with "They Came with Force", they've returned to claim their rightful place among the pantheon of metal gods.
From the thunderous opener "Prayer" to the skull-crushing closer "Near Dark", each track on this EP is a testament to Ravn's unwavering commitment to their craft. With riffs as sharp as Excalibur and rhythms as relentless as the Hound of the Baskervilles, they've crafted a sound that's both timeless and unapologetically modern.
So, dear metalheads, prepare thy battle vests and raise thy horns high, for Ravn hath returned, and they've brought the force of a thousand raging storms with them. "They Came with Force" is not just an EP—it's a declaration of war, a call to arms, and a reminder that in the world of metal, only the strong survive. Join the ranks of the faithful and let Ravn lead you into battle!
"They Came with Force" is a potent distillation of everything that makes this band great—fierce energy, killer riffs, and a primal, almost otherworldly atmosphere that transports you to realms unknown. From start to finish, it's a wild ride that leaves you craving more. If this EP is any indication of what's to come, then the future of metal is in good hands with Ravn at the helm. Horns up!
