Renegade Angel - "Jokesters"


What's New:

Renegade Angel Unleashes Melodic Mayhem with "Jokesters" EP

Prepare your eardrums for an onslaught of Finnish fury, as Renegade Angel, the titans of melodic heavy metal, have just dropped their latest EP, "Jokesters", on April 5th, 2024.
Fronted by the powerhouse vocals of Craig Cairns, known for his work with Induction and Tailgunner, Renegade Angel is a force to be reckoned with. Joining forces with Finnish guitar virtuoso Samuli Federley and Norwegian Marius Danielsen, this EP promises to deliver a sonic experience like no other.
At the helm of production, Danielsen ensures that every riff, every beat, and every scream resonates with unparalleled intensity. And with the addition of vocal titans Eduardo Tavasci and David Hernandez on "Soldiers of Misfortune", Renegade Angel elevates their sound to stratospheric heights.
But hold onto your leather-clad seats, because Renegade Angel isn't stopping there. They're unleashing a revamped, heavier rendition of a Meat Loaf classic, turning it into a symphonic masterpiece that will leave you headbanging in awe.
With tracks like "Jokesters" and "Soldiers of Misfortune," Renegade Angel isn't just crafting songs; they're forging anthems that speak to the rebel in all of us. And with a lineup that reads like a who's who of metal royalty, including names like Raymond Giron and Romina Barba, this EP is destined to carve its name into the annals of metal history.
So, fellow metalheads, if you missed the release, catch up now! Crank up the volume, and let Renegade Angel be the soundtrack to your rebellion. Trust me; your inner metalhead will thank you.
As a die-hard metal enthusiast, diving into Renegade Angel's "Jokesters" EP felt like plunging into the depths of a sonic maelstrom. The ferocity of their sound combined with the melodic finesse is a testament to their mastery of the genre.
"Jokesters" is more than just an EP; it's a battle cry—a rallying point for metalheads worldwide to unite under the banner of pure, unadulterated rock. And tracks like "Soldiers of Misfortune" showcase their willingness to experiment while staying true to their roots.
So, fellow headbangers, don't miss out on this auditory onslaught. Grab your headphones, raise your horns, and let Renegade Angel lead you on a journey through the heart of metal. You won't regret it.
