The Advent Equation - "A Sudden Perception"


What's New:

The Advent Equation Unleashes Mind-Bending Single "A Sudden Perception"
Hold on tight, metalheads, as The Advent Equation from Mexico is about to take you on an exhilarating journey through the cosmos with their latest single, "A Sudden Perception".

These progressive metal virtuosos have earned their stripes on international stages, sharing the limelight with iconic bands like Opeth, The Ocean, Haken, Tesseract, Leprous, Persefone, and Alcest. And now, they're back with a bang, ready to blow your minds once again with their self-released masterpiece!
"A Sudden Perception" hits like a supernova, combining intricate musicianship with evocative melodies that send shivers down your spine. It's like witnessing the birth of a new galaxy through the power of music!
You don't need a telescope to see the stars; just watch their mesmerizing music video directed by Andres Luna, and you'll be transported to another dimension. The visuals are as epic as the music, leaving you awe-struck and craving for more!
"A Sudden Perception" has already landed on all digital platforms. But that's not all! There's more excitement in store, with a full-length album on the horizon, set to take the metal world by storm in March 2024. Brace yourselves for the cosmic symphony that awaits, just 3 days ago!
Meet the Masters Behind the Sound:
Margil Vallejo: Guitars & Vocals
Luis Gomez: Guitars
Luis Bueno: Bass Guitar
Kiko Duque: Drums
Carlos Licea: Keyboards

So, dear metal comrades, buckle up and get ready for "A Sudden Perception". Show your support, crank up the volume, and let the universe of The Advent Equation envelop you in its progressive metal glory!
Prepare for the metal event of the year! Let's take this voyage together and witness the birth of a new era in progressive metal!
