Dead Never Sleep - "Origins of Evil"


To Discover:

Dead Never Sleep Unleashes "Origins of Evil": A Thrash Punk with Gothic Interludes Masterpiece

Prepare your ears for an unprecedented aural assault, as Dead Never Sleep has released "Origins of Evil" on July 11, 2023, which will plunge you into a state of musical delirium.. Hailing from Whittier, California, this band is taking the thrash punk scene and injecting it with a dose of gothic eeriness.

If you're into heavy metal, punk, and gothic rock, you're in for a treat. Dead Never Sleep isn't your typical band; they've taken their eclectic musical influences and blended them to create something hauntingly exhilarating. Think savage thrash metal hooks, lightning-fast hardcore punk beats, and just the right amount of sexy, creepy gothic vibes.
Currently on a west coast tour to promote 'Origins of Evil,' Dead Never Sleep is already gearing up for their next studio session. These guys are a tornado of controlled chaos and musical brilliance, and they're not here to lull you to sleep. You'll want to keep a vigilant ear on what's next from this talented crew.
Get ready to be rocked to your core and remember, when Dead Never Sleep, you won't either.
